Daesh is Blunt and Populist and We are to Politically Correct

Monday 22 May 2017

RIYADH - MENA Herald: The Riyadh Forum on Countering Extremism and Fighting Terrorism, under the sponsorship of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition, has an open discussion on confronting terrorism.

“The Islamic world looks like Europe of 1945 and we need a cultural Marshal Plan to rebuild our region,” Mr. Koteich said. “The alliance between terrorists and extremists is very fragile and we must use all our powers to stop terrorism by reducing violent extremism,” he said.

The panel discussed, in detail, the conflict in Yemen as an example of the regional picture. So much focus has been given to Daesh that many have forgotten Al Qaeda and it is using this time to rebuild and establish itself in ungoverned areas throughout the region. Yemen provides this sort of environment and it has allowed Al Qaeda to flourish. It has been only through the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and its coalition partners, that we have seen a reduction in the recruitment of Al Qaeda in Yemen. In the face of a military defeat Al Qaeda now has turned to a new tactic of addressing grassroots problem in society and helping communities as a cover for its terrorist activities.

“The problem with Al Qaeda in Yemen is people are accepting them and not confronting them,” Dr. Elisabeth Kendal, Senior Fellow, University of Oxford said. “My research shows that over 56% of tweets analyzed in Yemen were about Al Qaeda working in community development and making positive change in Yemen,” she said.

The panel emphasized that this tactic is gaining support in communities not only in Yemen but in many of the ungoverned areas in some states. Without committed and strong governments, and non-governmental organizations, involvement to strengthen communities, terrorist will always mange to gain a foothold in the MENA region.

“Failing states in the MENA region provide a hotbed for terrorist recruitment and activities. We must have regional leadership from countries, like the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, to help support the governments throughout the region if we are to create stability.” Dr. Jack Caravelli, Senior Advisor Global Resource Partnership said.

Panel members were Nadim Koteich, Journalist; Dr. Elisabeth Kendell, Senior Fellow, University of Oxford, Dr. Jack Caravelli, Senior Advisor Global Resource Partnership and Dr. Yahya Abu-Mughayid, Special Representative Mohammed bin Nayef Center for Counseling and Care.

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